Your Strategic #Philanthropist
What Makes Philanthropists Philanthropic
How much do we really know about Philanthropists – If we knew more, would it help us carry out our mission of making the world a better place?
When people with significant means look at the opportunities to invest their wealth in good causes like yours, what is it that they see?
Do they see MAKING the world a better place?
Do they see opportunities to support FIXING that which is “broken”?
Do they think simply about GIVING money away – resolving cash overflow in a tax year?
How does what they see, hear and perceive influence their decisions?
Once they are “on board”, how long or short is the process until the money follows? And then what…
When it comes to their motivations and rationales, how much are these wealthy people – the Philanthropists – “typical”, and how is each of them distinct?
These are a few of the many questions we’ll answer and debate with you when looking at Philanthropy from the perspective of those who give the money – the Philanthropists.
The more you know about Philanthropists, the more successful you will be: More focused, productive and attentive in your donor development, donor relationships, and – not least – major gifts fundraising. We know it from our own firsthand experience, which we are happy to share. For some organizations, 20 percent of the donors provide 80 percent of the support. Wouldn’t you want to know MORE?
Deliverables include:
Turning your fundraising, insights, experiences and intuition into applicable tools
Providing you with models of donors and Philanthropists tailored to your ongoing work with mega-donors
Demonstrating real-life scenarios of how Philanthropists and major donors act when things go well, so you can plan your philanthropic engagement (and best practices) accordingly
Developing an understanding with you, of how Philanthropists and major donors best realize their motivation, desires, and philanthropic ambitions
Informing the ROI from the perspective of the Philanthropist
Our Trainers
We also provide you with:
Philanthropic Market Definitions
Segmentation of Philanthropists
Customized Targeting/Positioning of Donors, Major Donors, Philanthropists
And much, much more.