Board & Volunteer Training
Board members are not professional leaders, and volunteers are not hired help. Every organization aspires to become a community, and this collective spirit and awareness begins with the Board.
Some Board Members focus on raising money and visibility, while others will primarily advise and assist the professionals, but in every case they must be seen – and come to see themselves – as stakeholders with responsibilities beyond honors. Working with leadership, we prioritize and convey the Board’s responsibilities to the cause and the organization, as well as the fiduciary obligation to those donating funds and to the general public which is subsidizing charitable contributions: transparency, best practices, conflict of interest, and independent audits. Good Board Members can tell your story as their own, take on specific responsibilities, and understand the dynamics of Board and committee meetings.
Donor Development Training
In your fundraising, how do you…
Cultivate and develop major donors/philanthropists
Establish and track relationships
Plan when to ask
Manage philanthropic commitments
…all in ways that maximize the philanthropy of those you engage?
This requires a systematic, thought-through approach. The internationally acclaimed Moves Management, originally developed by Cornell University’s David Dunlop, is the most effective method for donor development, and for managing relationships and their philanthropic “fruits”.
Your Strategic #Philanthropist
The more you know about Philanthropists, the more successful you will be: More focused, productive and attentive in your donor development, donor relationships, and – not least – major gifts fundraising.
Turning your fundraising, insights, experiences and intuition into applicable tools
Providing you with models of donors and Philanthropists tailored to your ongoing work with mega-donors
Demonstrating real-life scenarios of how Philanthropists and major donors act when things go well, so you can plan your philanthropic engagement (and best practices) accordingly
Developing an understanding with you, of how Philanthropists and major donors best realize their motivation, desires, and philanthropic ambitions
Informing the ROI from the perspective of the Philanthropist
Communication Training
When you're suddenly thrust into the media spotlight by crisis or opportunity, it's a bit late to start learning how to communicate effectively and reach your target audience. (Of course, we can still help, even at the last minute!)
Our discreet, personal coaching is geared to executives and elected officials seeking to advance themselves or their campaigns. We design a unique coaching plan for each client. Working with us one-on-one, you’ll rapidly acquire the tools of self-definition and self-empowerment, for articulating a vision and formulating a compelling message.
You’ll develop the capacity to get your message across quickly and precisely to your target audience, be it small or massive. You’ll learn to speak with passion and captivate audiences, to exude leadership and self-confidence, to handle objections and to move your audience to action.
Intercultural Communication
The skills of interpersonal communication are essential to everyone. Those who travel across the world for work, from country to country and culture to culture, need this capacity more than anyone. Our interpersonal communication coaching is especially geared to those whose work demands cultural fluency – diplomats, executives, military officers, marketing directors, sales representatives, and lecturers.
We orient and prepare participants, especially those traveling to or from the United States, to maximize the interactions on their trip – whether they're presenting innovative ideas, pitching new clients, reviewing field operations, or finalizing a new partnership.
#Philanthropist Modeling
When philanthropists look at the work they do to "heal" the world, what is it they see? Do they see giving? Do they think about the money they are being asked to provide? Is money even an issue? What motivates them to engage? What propels them to "give" ahead of the ask? What impacts their thinking?
Philanthropists describe what their giving means to them.
Anyone who has spent significant time with the very major donors and philanthropists, can recognize personality traits and behaviors. How do we categorize these in ways that enable us to maximize the philanthropic experience?
How do we best prepare those in our teams who work closely with these philanthropists to maximize the relationship? With 80 percent of the giving coming from 20 percent of the donors, we need to know as much as possible about the "world" the way they see it, to develop effective RBF (relationship-based fundraising) with each philanthropist.
We know how to ask, how to handle the "yes" and sometimes the "no". The ability to fundamentally see things through the perspective of major donors & philanthropists is a game-changer.
To realize and appreciate the unique, individual motivation of every single philanthropist, we need to consider the scale and perspective of each and the leadership models they represent.
Is it possible to “model” Philanthropists? Can we understand the way they view charity, investing in #socialgood & impact on society from other models?
Together with YourGlobalStrategy co-founder Michael Steiner, Alex Kagan applies his pioneering graduate and professional work in behavior-modeling and profiling. Our specialists use Personality Models and Leadership Models developed internationally over decades, enabling you to understand where Philanthropists “fit” and their various approaches to #SocialGood. The training also demonstrates how best to work with each of these “models”. The more advanced workshops provide participants with the tools and skills to work with the different types of Philanthropists.
As Director of Operations with the World Union for Progressive Judaism in the former Soviet Union (FSU) Alex runs one of the most sophisticated and widespread community networks, and oversees the development of a new philanthropic culture. As an Affiliate of YourGlobalStrategy, he is able to also share this expertise with constituencies beyond the World Union, in the same spirit of building community and professional awareness.
YourGlobalStrategy offers specialized training which prepares you and/or your team to work with philanthropists:
>Introduction to YourStrategicPhilanthropist (Half-Day)
>YourStrategicPhilanthropist with Demonstration (Full-Day)
>YourStrategicPhilanthropist with Practical & Workshops (2-Day)
Advocacy/Lobbyist Training
Reciting "talking points" off an index card may check off a box, but it will not impact the thinking of legislators and officials. Whether for one day in Washington or the United Nations, or a year-long issue campaign, grassroots and leadership alike need – and your cause deserves – an updated orientation to the policymaking environment and personalities; effective and user-friendly points to convey; a clear strategy with roles and contingencies, reinforced by role-playing exercises; and comprehensive debrief and follow-up after the meetings.
Intern Placement, Orientation, Supervision
You've found some amazing students or young professionals who are ready to soak up hands-on experiences, but the thought of managing the whole process is daunting – getting them in the right door, preparing and mentoring them, tracking and reporting on their progress... We have done all of this from start to finish, in cities and situations around the world, and can provide as much or as little as you and your interns need. This includes placement in government agencies, non-profits, or businesses; ensuring academic credit when needed; independent placements or weekly learning sessions and group activities.
Leadership Training
True leadership is not taught or awarded, it is earned and demonstrated. Taking initiative, formulating a vision and thinking "outside the box" are important, but most fundamentally "leadership" depends on inspiring followers. We have taught leaders to be more sensitize to their environment and constituents, and helped managers become the leaders their communities need them to be.
Team assessment and unit cohesion for corporate divisions, sales teams, professionals, executives.
Maximize the staff roles
Leverage the individual’s skills to maximize his/her and the team’s success
Demonstrating and Enhancing the team’s potential
Focus on each individual's mission and vision within the team
Review the organization’s Mission and Vision
Establish guideposts for moving forward individually and then collectively
Raise the organization’s performance to the next level and beyond through individually and collectively unifying the goals and objectives of each individual, team, and the entirety of the organization
Over four days, we build cohesiveness within your team – trust, working together, empowering the leaders, the followers and the team as a whole. We explore roles fully with each individual to determine their optimal role within the team. The results are transformative and insightful. Though the activities do present elements of risk, that extra stressor proves valuable in exposing the true nature of the participants and the team – throughout the excursions. our two key priorities are safety and fun!
A series of outdoor activities, indoor seminars and debriefings apply principles of team-building, trust, and empowerment. You will emerge from this very real and honest experience with one or more of three outcomes: a stronger team, a neutral result, and/or a clearer understanding of why your team can or cannot work together. The Adventure will also provide tools to cope with the changes that may need to be implemented to achieve the success your team and enterprise are seeking.
Skill games challenge participants to identify and overcome challenges (obstacles), in a transformative process that makes a team work together.
SCUBA: Three supervised group dives over three days (prior certification required)
ROPES: Climbing, high ropes, zip-lining process, rock-climbing, and scaling
SCAVENGER HUNT: Two days of outdoor navigation and survival skills
GROUP SUMMARY: The good, the bad, and the ugly – how to apply the lessons learned
Though Adventure-Building is usually combined with executive coaching for team leaders, these sessions are no longer limited to our long-term clients.