What We Do
We provide a full range of services, from media and events, to business and philanthropic strategies, diplomatic initiatives, re-branding, institutional capacity-building, and project management. Behind all this is our process of assessments and consultations, research, networking, prioritizing and clarifying – to generate your unique and coherent strategic prism, through which your vision, potential and impact can be maximized and sustained.
Above & Beyond!
Beyond designing and implementing, our real strength lies in helping you refine and express your strategy, and doing whatever it takes to realize it anywhere and in every way ("globally"). This is about you!
We are passionate professionals who want to share your passion for your project, and your inspiration.
Our News
Inside Ukraine’s lobbying blitz in Washington
"Shai Franklin is a lobbyist at Your Global Strategy who worked closely with Ukrainian groups before the Russian invasion in February. He registered as a pro bono lobbyist for Ukraine and has been connecting Ukrainian mayors with American mayors, and has also been working for GloBee." Read more >>
U.S. lobbyists connect Ukraine officials with powerful allies to help in war against Russia
YourGlobalStrategy was featured in a profile of U.S.-based firms devoting pro bono efforts to promote U.S.-Ukraine relations amid the Russian invasion.
U.S. & UN deserve Israel's undivided attention
Shai Franklin published a widely read op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, explaining why Israel cannot maximize its role in these two important arenas with only one ambassador for both posts.
Shaping the Jewish Future
Read Shai Franklin's call for an open and inclusive conversation on the future (and defining) of the American Jewish community — an op-ed and a deeper dive — to start a conversation, and to connect all the conversations.
Op-ed: Reconsidering Community Now: Who, What, Where, Why, and How
Deep Dive: Beyond Coronavirus, Connecting Our Communal Conversations
Action Follow-Up: Just Do It! A Mechanism to Get Us Started
Holocaust Lessons for Today
As world leaders convened in Jerusalem to mark the 75th anniversary of liberating the concentration camps, Shai Franklin discussed applying the lessons of the Holocaust to contemporary politics and to the persistence of genocide, racism, and other manifestations of hate. "Rather than drawing lessons from World War II, in some case they're using it as a playbook."
STEM Leadership
BEST Robotics has tapped YGS co-founder Michael Steiner as its new CEO, a perfect opportunity to apply his educational entrepreneurship and philanthropic expertise. Congratulations, Michael!!
Billionaires Philanthropy
Perspective by YGS Co-Founder Michael Steiner on
the UBS/PwC Billionaires Report 2016. >Read More
GloBee Names YGS to Represent Kharkiv & Ukraine
In early March 2016, working with GloBee, YourGlobal Strategy organized a U.S. visit for Kharkiv Regional Governor Ihor Raynin and a delegation of officials and business leaders. During the visit, in GloBee's new Washington offices across from the White House, YourGlobalStrategy signed an agreement to represent GloBee and Kharkiv Region in the United States. >Read More
In March 2016, in conjunction with GloBee, Shai Franklin visited Kharkiv to consult with businesses and philanthropic projects. Shai addressed the Kharkiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the new Washington Office and the strategies for raising visibility and engagement in the United States. >Read More
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About Us
"She gave me the one answer I did not expect."
Fourth Industrial Revolution Higher Ed
Meet Shai, Michael, and their colleagues!